
InterACT Communication’s mission is to help people & companies grow by working with coaching and communication.

The aim is to contribute to positive, sustainable change within a human, societal and global arena. We believe that in the meeting and connection between people and organisations lies the most vital and positive process for the development of authentic communication and real understanding. We want to help people to manage their relationships with each other more consciously thereby achieving greater synergy and cooperation. We want to encourage curiosity rather than any perceptions of limitation. Our ideal is to inspire courage and empowerment instead of fear and alienation. At the centre of our credo is a strong belief in the capacity of human beings for equal rights, dignity and the inalienable opportunity for all to enter into, participate and contribute to change for the better for society and the planet.


We conduct lectures, workshops, tailored and off-the-peg training, as well as providing team, group and individual coaching. We offer a wealth of experiential knowledge, skills and know-how as well supplying special materials and custom tools that support and spread the learning curve to individuals and groups throughout client companies and organisations. We put great value on our own developmental process in that we continually research, evaluate, educate, innovate and upgrade our own knowledge, skill-sets and capabilities in all relevant subjects. And we are in constant touch with a wide selection of appropriate networks and organisations who, like us, work at the leading edge of developments in our field.


  • Presence
  • Authenticity
  • Engagement
  • Decisiveness




We work very consciously to provide and support an open-minded, generous culture where the mutual benefits from our combined experience, insights and knowledge are valued and shared. At the heart of our culture is a concerted focus on and ability to be authentic and genuine, present and committed, as well as flexible and sensitive to other people and how they think, behave and work.


By appealing to people’s emotions and feelings as sentient beings, we create commitment and action. This occurs when the message being communicated is authentic, inspiring or motivating and creates real connection. The old saying: It’s not what you say, its the way you say it that makes the difference!is as true and meaningful as it ever was.  By appealing to peoples feelings and arousing their emotions they become far more receptive and willing to engage and commit. With our techniques and methods we work with developing and enhancing personal expression, thus significantly increasing a persons ability to connect to other individuals or an audience in a deeper, more authentic way. In so doing we provide an arena for substantive growth in peoples confidence, presence, focus and skill as speakers, presenters and communicators.


Our approach to coaching is to value, support and uplift an individual or a groups inherent resources and by guiding and helping them to focus on their strengths, allow them space to grow, expand and reach far beyond any perceived limitations.

All our coaching techniques and methods comply with ICFs (International Coach Federation) core competencies. Our coaching therefore works to a specific premise and methodology: this assumes that clients have all the answers and knowledge within themselves and that, as the coach asks the right questions, this supports and drives the process towards pre-defined goals. We also work with external coaching and subject experts who bring specific expertise i.e  voice/vocal training and technology, as well as other specific communication models, presentation and storytelling skills etc.




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